design wizards

Knowledge Center


Getting comfortable with the tools to edit your site is very important. Here we show you around so you know more about how to navigate through your editor so you can build and customize your responsive site. Learn about great features for customizing your site and widgets you can add to give your site more functionality.


With Responsive sites, the layout consists of rows that stack on top of each other and columns that are within the rows. This system builds the overall structure of the pages in your site. Within the structure, you further customize your pages by adding widgets to the layout and edit each widget within the page. Learn more about customizing your pages in the tutorial of the inline editor.


When designing your site, you may want to make changes that will appear throughout your site in one convenient place. Find out more about the global changes you can make that will cut down on the time it takes to design your site. Here, you can find out where you can change your color scheme, font and buttons.  


The header is an important part of your site that helps to distinguish your site’s identity and what it has to offer. This is where your logo or name will be most prominently placed in your site. This is also where you will find the navigation of your site. Learn about getting started styling your header with your logo, title, layout and more to make your site header stand out from other sites.


Navigating your site is important for the usability of your site. Setting up an easy to use navigation keeps your users interested in the pages of your site. Customizing your site is also important since it appeals to the look of your site. Learn how you set up your navigation and layout for your site here.


Organizing the pages in your site is important because you want the most relevant information to be the most accessible, but you may have lots of subcategories in your site and will need a way to arrange the order and the suborder of your site. Learn more about this topic and how you can hide, add, and delete pages, plus add SEO details to make them easy for users to find.


While customizing and designing your site makes your site unique, your content really drives that message home. Importing the text, images and files from your original site is easy. Learn more about what we can pull in and where you can find it in your editor.
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